Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

We love customer testimonials!

Listen to what our customers are saying! We are so proud of our glasses and how they help our customers find Morel’s and shed antlers. We are getting positive feedback all the time, and it is wonderful to see so many people hunting with our glasses. Thank you to everyone!

  • The antlers POPPED! I could see tips and tines from quite a distance. I never pictured them working as well as they do.

    Phil S.
  • Great quality glasses, super nice cork card case with storage bag & lens cloth.

    Christine C.
  • I am almost completely colorblind and the corrections these made for me is unbelievable! Thank you for changing the way I see the world…

    Dorothy P.
  • First time ever going morel hunting! I actually spotted the first one. These glasses are a game changer worth every penny.

    Alex S.
  • I’m super impressed! 10/10! First pair I ordered had a random glitch and customer service was so WONDERFUL in response.

    Heath S.
  • They really do help to contrast the light/ dark.

    James W.
  • I brought home 25 morels and my friend had close to 50. We felt like the glasses definitely made a difference, especially in leaf debris.

    Nathan P.
  • I’m freaking pumped! Such a great experience from a great company!

  • When I put the glasses on it was 100% clearer and cleaner and to think I’ve gone shed hunting without glasses most of my life. They are awesome!

    Willie K.
  • They even work for sheds!!!

    Heather S.
  • Fungeyes rock!

    Pamela F.
  • Glasses did pretty good for my brother-in-law and me. They definitely helped!

    Darvil H.
  • Those glasses make it way quicker scanning every square inch of an acre!

    Jonathan D.
  • These glasses are really, really good for shed antler hunting. Old, bleached-out bones really stand out as well. I was blown away by the results!

    Aron B.
  • High grass, yellow and shadows cast, a bright blue sunlit sky and snow, but this broke off antler just said hello, here I am, and I couldn’t unsee it. These glasses work hands down.

    Dave B.
  • Worked out great for using them for the first time!

    Anthony O.
  • Fungeyes paying off!

    Justin L.
  • I was skeptical but became a true believer in Fungeyes. This is not a paid endorsement, just experience.

    Missouri Morel Mushroom Hunting – Ray J.
  • LOVED how they still gave great clarity even when the sun went down!

    Melodie W.